Getting ready to ride bikes in the woods with your friends
I originally planned to have an AI image generator put together a picture of “Lemmy Kilmister riding a klunker mountain bike in a redwood forest” but it was very very bad
Sometimes I choose to drive to ride my bicycle. Urban singletrack is basically non-existent in Detroit (save for Rouge Park, which is on the other side of this 139mi² city). So what to listen to on those drives when you’re trying to hype yourself up? Look no further…
Getting ready to ride bikes in the woods with your friends [playlist on Spotify]
Hype music can take on many different forms, but I mostly go for fuzzy guitars and proto-metal. There’s a lot of Fu Manchu, Motorhead, Black Sabbath, and the like on here. I’m constantly adding to it so subscribe for more. And drop some suggestions of what I should add in the comments section.
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